I don’t love to write, but I need to write

I’m the worst writer.
Seriously, I’m insecure even putting the proverbial pen to paper and getting my thoughts down. I can’t outline for shit, I procrastinate, I have a terrible memory for details, I don’t have a specific purpose to my writing and I’m, more often than not, all over the place.
I feel like I could write a book about all the challenges I face in writing and just end it with: Do the opposite and you won’t end up here.
However, even with all my challenges, I need to write. I really do need this.
My head has so many things going on in it and it’s almost cathartic to put some of it to paper. Sometimes my anxiety about ideas that swirl in my head is so bad I find it challenging to get up in the morning, let alone write about it.
However, writing helps me in so many ways. It frees me from self doubt. It provides me closure. It helps me focus. It helps me express myself when words become circular and disjointed.
Even with the sense of embarrassment to putting out an idea for all the world to share in, I need to write. Even if no one claps or responds, I need to write. Even if I had zero followers, I need to write.
Even when I don’t know how to finish an article that I started.